Monday, February 4, 2013


super bowl.....she looks like she has a big bowl under her dress!!!
ahhhhhahahhah  oh this is so cute....32 weeks and still cookin
this baby girl is on her way....sooner than later....i get to see her
in a few weeks at her baby shower in excited to see this
belly in person.....each day i am knitting or crocheting my fingers
off for her and for my sweet niece them both and so excited
for the babies to be here.....
it's fun to think my sister and i will be grammy's the same year.....


  1. Ahhh!!! It's so CLOSE! The other day I was thinking about how I'm almost halfway... and I was remembering when Aubrey was just half-way... feels like FOREVER ago!

    Well, i must go eat my second lunch.... baby just can't eat enough!

    1. i'm thinking your gonna grow quickly if you are eating two lunches each day....yikes...:) and i know...half way means....half way till your holding the bundle of joy....aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
