Sunday, November 25, 2012

week 22

a future hockey star?  maybe?  if her daddy has anything to
do with it she will be!!  aubrey is doing well and feeling great
i am so thankful for that.  this last week they went and had  a visit to the
dr. and all is great!!  right on schedule and baby's already a pound!!!  wow
i am still amazed at what i see when i get to watch her while aubrey and i

meet the parents

the mommy and the daddy of my sweet baby....

Friday, November 23, 2012


can you see my hand...look for my 4 fingers and my thumb
i was waving today to my grammy...she loves me....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


aubrey and justin just returned from their dr. visit for the month....aubrey has only gained
12 lbs....the baby is 14 oz/  and the dr. says she just perfect!!!  yeah for perfect!!!
this is her newest picture from the dr.   she's being shy don't ya think?  i think she's
gonna look like daddy...but really...who can tell
so very thankful today for this new update!!

thankful grammycakes

i am so thankful that i am going to have a grandbaby in april....
she will be my little turkey!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

gobble gobble

now the growing belly begins...yikes...i think she popped little girl is in there...we skyped saturday
and she was turned upside down and was not helping us out
as we tried to see her in 3d.  she was kicking and drinking
and sucking her thumb though and we even saw her eyes moving
her profile is adorable !!!
happy thanksgiving....

Sunday, November 11, 2012

week 20.....

half way we come...i can not believe that
only 20 weeks and a baby will be grandbaby..
wow...even with aubrey far away it's going so fast...but i think
it's because we have so much fun keeping in touch each day...
check out that bump.....from now on out....that bump will
keep getting  bigger and bigger......soooooo excited to see her
in person in just 5 weeks!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

saturday skype with my grammycakes

saturday's is my skype day with my grammycakes and my grammpy. i was
super cute today... i was flopping and flipping around like a mad girl...i was sucking
my thumb and drinking amniotic fluid that i thought was yummy diet pepsi,
i was kicking but mommy said she couldn't feel me !!  grammy saw me though
and was so can see my arm here really well and my ribs even...
grammy thinks i am skinny and need more yummies from christmas
i will get much chubbier for sure with grammy cooking up a storm.  grammpy
shed a tiny tear when he heard my heartbeat.  it was thumpin good....and
i even showed off all 4 chambers of my heart!!!  and there were no calcifications and
my mommy said that was real good!!!   see the dark circle in the center of my abdomen
that is my tummy and if you watch you can see it jumpin, it's cause i got the
hiccups real bad....    i got measured today too and mommy told
grammy i was 10 ounces.....i can't wait till next saturday to show off again!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012


wow....we are almost half way....i am anticipating this little one with love and excitement
i can't believe i'm gonna be a grammycakes....john and i pray each night for aubrey,
that she will stay healthy, eat right, rest and learn patience for this little one. we pray
for the baby that she will grow strong inside her momma, that she will be a happy, and
healthy little girl, that she will know Jesus soon and learn all about Him and His
love for her. that she will come to know Him as her personal Savior at an early age.
we love you little baby girl......